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The Hambledon Club Constitution

1.  Name:  The name of the Club shall be THE HAMBLEDON CLUB


2.  Aims:  The aims of THE HAMBLEDON CLUB are:


a.  To honour the memory and great achievements of those men of THE HAMBLEDON CLUB, 1750-1796.

b.  To provide for meetings of people who have a keen interest in the history of cricket.

c.  To hold a luncheon at The Bat & Ball Inn, Broadhalfpenny Down, at the beginning and end of each cricket season.

d.  To encourage and support youth cricket, especially in the Hambledon area.


3.  Membership


e.  Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in cricket.

f.  Membership is restricted to one hundred paying Members. This ceiling excludes Honorary Members and Members under the age of 18. No Members will be admitted to the Club below the age of 12 years.

g.  The annual subscription for Membership is three guineas (£3.15) payable by standing order on the 1st of April each year. Any revision to this subscription will be agreed upon by the Committee and put to the Members at the upcoming meeting.

h.  Membership will begin as soon as the completed Membership form and first annual payment have been received.

i.  The Committee may, in special circumstances, propose to the Members the election of an Honorary Member who will not be required to pay a subscription.

j.  A database of all Members, and a waiting list of prospective Members, will be kept by the Club Secretary who is the Club Data Controller. How this information is stored and processed is identified in the Club’s Privacy Policy (annexed to this document). 

k. All prospective members will identify on the Membership Application Form whether they (the applicant) permit the storage and management of personal data to manage the Club but for no other purpose.


4.  Ceasing to be a Member


l.  Members may resign at any time in writing to the Secretary.

m. If in any year a Member’s standing order is not processed by the end of April, the Committee will consider this to be a cancellation of Membership and the Secretary will remove their name from the list of Members accordingly.

n.  If, in any year, the Committee consider the conduct of any Member to be such as would bring the Club into disrepute, the Committee may suspend or exclude such Member at its absolute discretion.


5.  Equal Opportunities


THE HAMBLEDON CLUB will not discriminate on the grounds of gender, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sexuality, disability, religious or political belief, or marital status.


6.  Officers and Committee


o.  The administration of the Club will be carried out by an elected Committee, which will take place at the pre-season meeting each year. The Committee will meet as necessary to perform the administration of the Club.

p.  The Committee will consist of five Members who will be officers of the Club. 

q. Up to two additional Members may be co-opted onto the Committee at the discretion of the Committee. The officers and their roles are as follows:


The President, shall Chair each Club meeting and arrange for a speaker at that meeting, as appropriate. [This role will be held for a period of three years unless otherwise stated by the Membership.]

The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining an updated Club database of all Members and prospective Members, arranging and communicating with Members about meetings, and taking the Minutes of those meetings.

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of subscriptions, arranging disbursements and maintaining accounts.

The Steward shall be responsible for arranging the food and wine for each meeting.

The Club Chaplain shall be responsible for opening each meeting with Grace.


In the event of an officer standing down during the year, a replacement will be found by the Committee and subsequently be elected at the next meeting of Members.


7.  Finances


r.  An account will be maintained on behalf of the Club at a bank agreed upon by the Committee. Two cheque signatories will be nominated by the Committee (one to be the Treasurer). All cheques will be signed by the two signatories.

s.  For other payments (such as BACS and debit card payments) a requisition note will be signed by the two signatories, and held by the Treasurer.

r.  The records of income and expenditure will be maintained by the Treasurer and an annual financial statement prepared for each year ending 5th April. Accounts will be available to any member upon request.


8.  Amendments to the Constitution


u.  Amendments to the Constitution may only be made at a meeting of the Members.

v.  Any proposal to amend the Constitution must be given to the Secretary in writing. The proposal must then be circulated with the Notice of Meeting.

w.  Any proposal to amend the Constitution will require a two-thirds majority of those present and those entitled to vote.


9.  Dissolution


x.  If the Committee consider that the Club should close down, they must propose this at the next meeting of Members. Should that meeting decide, based on a simple majority, to close the Club, the Committee must act accordingly. 

y.  If it is agreed to close down the Club, all remaining monies, once outstanding debts have been paid, will be donated to the Hambledon Cricket Club youth section. 


10.  Interpretation


z. The Committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of this Club Constitution, and the decision of the Committee upon any question of interpretation, or upon any matter affecting the Club and not provided for, shall be final and binding on the Members. 


This Club Constitution was agreed upon at the meeting of the Club (2018).


A signed copy is available from the Club Secretary. 


Our Privacy Policy


This notice gives Members of The Hambledon Club important information regarding the details, which the Club holds and the purposes for which they are used.


For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR), The Hambledon Club is the Data Controller and the person authorised by the Club to manage the data is the Secretary.


Preservation of your privacy is important to us and we are committed to letting you know how we use your personal information and to making only responsible use of your data.


1.  Information about you


We will collect personal information from you when you enquire about our activities with us and subscribe to our mailing list. This may include your name, title, email address, physical address and telephone numbers.


2.  Our use of this information


2.1 Your personal information will only be used to process your request to provide you with our services and to provide you with information relating to our services and all other services that we think may be of interest to you.


2.2 We may share your information with other members of the committee. We will not share information with other organisations.


2.3 The data concerned will only be held by the Secretary while the individual is a Member of the Club. This data will be deleted on cessation of Membership, for any reason.


3.  Security


3.1 We will take responsible precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of information you give us.


3.2 Personal data that you supply in connection with your membership will be held in paper file format under the control of the Data Controller and in electronic form as a database on a commercial computer (Apple Mac). This computer is not normally accessible from the Internet and is also under the control of the Data Controller. Such data will not be stored on removable media other than as a backup file or released to any third party without the authority of the Data Controller.


3.3 Communications in connection with this service may be sent by email. For ease of use and compatibility, communications will not be sent in an encrypted form. E-mail, unless encrypted, is not a fully secure means of communication. Whilst we endeavour to keep our systems and communications protected against viruses and other harmful effects, we cannot bear responsibility for all communications being virus-free.


4.  Other information


4.1 If you would like us to correct or update any information about you, or if you would like your information deleted from our records, please contact


4.2 This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time so please check our website periodically.


4.3 Links within our website to other websites are not covered by this Privacy Policy.



Our Membership Policy


Our Club is supported through a membership annual subscription of 3 guineas (£3.15) paid by March 1st of each year via a standing order (to be completed and sent to your bank) or through online banking facilities.


If subscriptions do not reach our bank by March 1st in any said year, it will be assumed you have cancelled your payment and no longer wish to participate as a Club member and, as such, your membership will be cancelled. Should you wish to rejoin the Club at a later date, your name will be added to a waiting list, if applicable.


The information you require to set up your annual subscriptions is below. Please contact our Treasurer if you have any questions:


Lloyds TSB Bank PLC

Sort: 30 99 71

A/c name: The Hambledon Club

A/c no: 021 134 94


Our Membership Procedure

If you have an interest in becoming a member, please contact the Club Secretary for a Membership Application. Due to the limited seating capacity at the Bat & Ball Inn, membership will not exceed 80. Should this be the case when you apply, your name will be placed on a waiting list and you will be contacted when membership becomes available. This will be solely at the discretion of the Committee. Please contact the Club Secretary for details. 



Our Booking Policy


Due to the Bat & Ball Inn’s seating capacity in the dining room, the following Booking Policy applies:


All guests will have their seats confirmed after the booking deadline (posted on the Booking page) if seats are still available. Members should ensure subscription payments are up-to-date before making a booking (see above). Thank you.



Our Cancellation Policy


The Bat&Ball management will charge the Club the full cost of the lunch if cancellations are made less than 36 hours before the luncheon date. All cancellations should be notified to the Secretary immediately. Please do not contact the Bat & Ball. A no-show on the day will also incur the full cost of the lunch. In both instances, payment is due to the Hambledon Club and should be forwarded to the Treasurer a.s.a.p. after the event, either by cheque or bank transfer.




© 2023 The Hambledon Club

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